Top mis-recycled household items:
Generally, please assure all materials in your recycling bin are CLEAN, DRY and LOOSE. Remember: some products have several material components as part of their packaging.
See below for some examples of packaging that need to be separated for them to be recycled
As for every rule, there are some exceptions, for example: Plastic caps and labels on beverage containers:
Make sure to keep the caps screwed on tight on plastic milk bottles and beverage cartons when putting them into the recycling bin or when returning beverage bottles to a DRS machine. The caps are too small to be consistently picked up in the recycling centres so if they are not tightly attached to the bottle, they most likely won’t be recycled.
Bottle caps will be tethered to the container in the EU market for that reason going forward, please leave the tether attached to ease recycling.
Kitchen roll should be placed in the food waste bin. However, if you have used the kitchen roll for cleaning with antibacterial soaps or sprays, please place into the general waste bin as it will kill the microbes in the food waste bin.
Make sure that the items are labelled ideally as compostable or alternatively as biodegradable. If this is the case they should be disposed of in the brown food waste bin together with all the leftover food and organic matter like peels etc.
Items where it is beneficial to go for the compostable alternatives include teabags, coffee-capsules and -pads, stickers for fruit and veg., Dog-waste bags, and Rubber bands.
Dog-waste bags as well as nappies belong in the general waste bin