Lidl Ireland Joins Origin Green

Lidl Ireland Joins Origin Green

Date published: February 22, 2017

Lidl Ireland became a member of Origin Green the world’s first national food sustainability programme created by Bord Bia, emphasising our commitment to food sustainability in Irish retailing. It is the first programme of its kind to bring an entire industry together with a common purpose of proving and improving the sustainability of our food production system. Its members include farmers and food businesses.

To become a member, Lidl has committed to a development plan that sets out targets in waste emissions, energy, water, responsible sourcing of products, health and nutrition and social sustainability. Twenty four clear targets have been established by Lidl Ireland. Through an independent verification system, targets are measured on an ongoing basis.


As part of the development programme, Lidl will increase the products certified by sustainability initiatives, for example Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, UTZ, Organic and Certified Palm Oil. By the end of this year, Lidl will have zero waste diverted to landfill and by 2020 Lidl aims to reduce ten per cent of overall waste, as well as reducing fifteen per cent of overall water consumption.

Building and retrofitting of new stores with energy efficient equipment and technology. Lidl has already achieved ISO 50001 energy efficiency certification in all stores and aims for certification for all of its regional distribution centres and head office this year. By 2020, Lidl will donate surplus food to Irish charities amounting to a million meals.

Half of employees will take part in health and wellbeing initiatives by 2020 and build on community impact through volunteering, sponsorship, charity partnerships and local donation funds.

Tara McCarthy, Chief Executive of Bord Bia, added:

“I am delighted on behalf of Bord Bia to welcome Lidl as a verified member of our Origin Green programme. This commitment of Lidl to sustainability and its choice of the Origin Green programme to help it frame targets and deliver independently verified results will, I`m certain encourage others to take the same step and join us on our journey to manage our impact on the environment for the benefit of this and future generations.”