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SRUESPOPULYRCEHSAAINIMAL WELFARE STANDARDS Reporting our progress towards A Better Tomorrow 31        Our aim is to safeguard the wellbeing of the farm animals in our supply chains, improving conditions for livestock farming and protecting animals from distress without reasonable cause.  With more than 7 billion people currently inhabiting the planet the global protein and food industry is facing unprecedented challenges. At Lidl our vision is to act responsibly striving for positive environmental stewardship and contributing positively to the communities we reach. The health and animal welfare of farmed animals forms a key part of our continued dedication to our sustainability strategy.1 ACTION: Good farm animal welfare is an integral part of Irish beef, lamb and dairy farming which is largely grass-based, and less intensive compared with the standard farming practices across Europe. Animal Welfare is an important part of being a responsible business and we are committed to high standards of animal health and welfare both in our food and non- food own-brand products. Our Animal Welfare standards are defined and enforced by the Irish Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM) in the Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013; and by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland (DAREA) in the Welfare of Animals Act (NI) 2011. Both institutions set out the minimum standards for keeping farm animals which are based on good practice and scientific knowledge. These standards define specific requirements such as inspections, record keeping, freedom of movement, buildings and equipment and the feeding and watering of animals. Both standards are based on the Five Freedoms of animal welfare, which were established by the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC).2 1. Freedomfromhungerandthirst providing fresh water and the right amount of feed to keep animals healthy. 2. Freedomfromdiscomfort making sure that animals have the right kind of environment, including shelter and somewhere comfortable to rest. 3. Freedomfrompain,injuryanddisease preventing animals from getting ill and making sure that animals are diagnosed and treated rapidly should they fall ill.   4. Freedomtoexpressnormalpatternsofbehaviour making sure that animals have adequate space and proper facilities. 5. Freedomfromfearanddistress making sure that animals’ conditions and treatment avoid mental suffering. 1 GRI 103-1, 2 GRI 103-2 SDG 2 – Zero Hunger Our targets are aligned to and support SDG 2.5 Maintain the genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals.   RESOURCES Protection of Ecosystems Animal Welfare Standards Environmental Protection: Supply Chain SUPPLY CHAIN Employment Related Supplier & Market Human Rights Development Corporate Environmental Management OPERATIONS Employee Responsibility Responsible Products CUSTOMER Transparency Social Value Responsible at Point of Sale Creation Communication           

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