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OUR OPERATIONS EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITY Reporting our progress towards A Better Tomorrow 59    · TheLidlGraduateManagementDevelopmentProgrammeisan 18-month programme, accredited by City & Guilds/ILM for recently graduated university students. Graduates on this development programme receive a bespoke training plan designed to help them get up to speed with every aspect of our business while also helping them to achieve their specific career goals and develop their unique skills. Since 2018 we have had 27 graduates complete the programme with a 78% retention rate. · In 2020 we relaunched our Internship Programme. Internships are designed for current college students who wish to build their career in retail management. Internships vary in duration and start of the programme is dependent on academic requirements, however the majority of internships are between 12 weeks to 52 weeks. 5 students who completed internships in 2020 have been offered full time positions on completion of their degree. · Our‘GetintoRetail’schemewithThePrince’sTrustinNorthern Ireland helps young unemployed people to develop employability skills within retail. We have supported 213 young people and 90 participants have been offered full time employment contracts on completion, with our length of service increasing to 2 years and 4 months. In addition to this programme we also provide for around 30 internships a year. Designed for candidates aged 18-30 years who are keen on in a career in retail and who are currently not in education, training or employment, it aims to support the employment and education of young people while at the same time recognising the needs of those who do not pursue further education or who perhaps do not have this option. · WehavealsorecentlylaunchedourDirectorDevelopmentandourExecutiveDevelopment programmes. The Director Development Programme has been designed to continue to support our senior leaders in their personal and professional journey. This programme has a core focus on leadership and how senior leaders impact both the success of the business and the success of their people. The Executive Development Programme will further develop executive leaders to build on previous development initiatives to challenge themselves to change specific behaviours to influence effectively as a leader and create a culture of inclusion, appropriate control, openness and trust. TARGET: We plan to continue to build on these programmes and to look to increase our programme uptake (where applicable) by 5% year on year.   Our courses are designed to enable all colleagues throughout the entire business.    RESOURCES Protection of Ecosystems Animal Welfare Standards Environmental Protection: Supply Chain SUPPLY CHAIN Employment Related Supplier & Market Human Rights Development Corporate Environmental Management OPERATIONS Employee Responsibility Responsible Products CUSTOMER Transparency Social Value Responsible at Point of Sale Creation Communication      

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