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CUSTOMER RESPONSIBLE PRODUCTS Reporting our progress towards A Better Tomorrow 63     H i g h Q u a l i t y P r o d u c t s a n 0d P r o d u c t S a f e t y Over 7,400 tests commissioned Ongoing testing In the past 2 financial years we have conducted more than 7,400 tests across our own brand range and fresh fruits and vegetables. We found the most prevalent issues related to internal chemical or microbiological limits. Like our previous report, we had 0 incidents of non-compliance with regulations and/or voluntary codes* resulting in a fine, penalty or warning during this reporting period. This was due to our rigorous internal processes, compliance with relevant standards and overall commitment to our product quality and safety. TARGET: We aim to continue to have zero non-compliances year on year.  Middle aisle tested All our middle aisle products are also quality tested to the highest standards. Working with reputable third-party institutes, we ensure these standards are maintained e.g. clothing is chemically tested by Oekotex and quality testing by Hoehenstein Institute, whereas electrical is tested by TÜV. Lidl are committed to eliminating the emission of harmful chemicals in the production of both clothing and footwear by 2020 in line with the Greenpeace Detox Commitment. Going above and beyond The European Union (EU) has established statutory limits for many undesirable substances. These limits are set based on a number of factors, including the effect on humans and the frequency of consumption. A further safety margin is then factored in so that consumers will not be exposed to any health risk if the limits are complied with. We continue to comply with even stricter requirements than EU law through our rigorous testing and often more stringent criteria e.g. our fruit and vegetables may contain no more than one third of the maximum level permitted by law. incidents of non-compliance     RESOURCES Protection of Ecosystems Animal Welfare Standards Environmental Protection: Supply Chain SUPPLY CHAIN Employment Related Supplier & Market Human Rights Development Corporate Environmental Management OPERATIONS Employee Responsibility Responsible Products CUSTOMER Transparency Social Value Responsible at Point of Sale Creation Communication     

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